Be Tenacious

Do you have the Desire to go after your Dreams? If you do , that is good. That is a positive step in the right direction. Let me ask you another question…Are you ready for failure,rejection,and obstacles that keep you from reaching that goal? 

You need to develop a tenacity within yourself. You have the ability to face the obstacles that come your way and defeat them. How do you do this? Train your mind, control your thoughts, watch the words you speak. Every action that you take affects the next outcome.

This is not an easy task to master. I am aware of this because of the many trials I had to endure in my life and still face. However, I am here to tell you… It is Achievable. You can control your thoughts and actions. You can rewrite your life. You have the power within you to overcome . Are you gonna just stay in the sidelines or go after what You want..Who is willing to Dance in the Arena? Below are a few of my favorite quotes. Wishing you all the best success in your lives.

~Christine Ann~


-Energy and persistence conquer all things -Benjamin Franklin-

-With Perseverance, everything reaches its target-Chinese Proverb

-I haven’t failed, I just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. -Thomas Edison-

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” -Theodore Roosevelt-

I Wish You The Best

For those who have hurt me
I wish you the best
For those who have left me 
I wish you the best
For those who have supported me
I wish you the best
For those who have loved me
I wish you the best
For those who have betrayed me
I wish you the best
For I carry no hate in my heart
And may this year be filled with much joy and blessings
For I have learned from this year many lessons..

Learn to let Go, Learn to Forgive, so that you can Finally be Free

Finally be Free To Live



Do You Know

Do you know my story

Do you know where I’ve been

Do you know why I have so much confidence now

As compared to before when I hated my reflection

Have you walked in my shoes

Have you been in my past

Have you seen my scars

Have you noticed that now I stand tall

As compared to before 

When I got punched

Knocked down to the floor

Crying out for help

Unable to walk away because of fear

Do  you know why I want to help others

Do you know how I learned to love myself

and my reflection

Do you know that he didn’t break me

and I still have my crown on

Do you know how I feel when I see others down

I want to empower women to discover the strength within

To make you realize that you have the strength to stand up for yourself

Never allowing another’s opinion 

to devalue yourself

You are a beautiful Queen

Be proud of who you are



Christine Ann


I Have Won Baby

He was the breath upon her, her morning air

The one that took her out of despair

He was her King

Her life, her dreams, her everything

And now he stands besides another,

Forgotten her like she was nothing

He promised many things to her

Called her his Queen

He said she was in his dreams

“We are a team” he even told her

Yet now he gives his life to another

My words now are about YOU

Because I finally have gotten over you

Your promises were empty

Your words were lies

But I am not concerned

For I continue to rise

Stay away from me now

For you are no longer a part of my plan

and you were never worthy to even be my man

For I am still a Queen

with or without you

and I no longer care about what you do

For I have no feelings

They are completely gone

For when I see your face in photos, I realize

that I have WON

If someone hurts you, abandons you, betrays you, it says Nothing about YOUR worth, and Everything about THEIR character.

Move on… Move on .. and you will find someone who truly appreciates who you are

Always Remember, God will never take anything away from you without the intention of replacing it with something much better


That Night

The hurt, the pain….

Girl get up, stop thinking about him

Don’t you know you have the strength to rise again?

You say it all the time

Do I know you?

Yes, you do……..


Let me explain, about that night

It all seemed right, 11:00 on the hour

dropped all fear, I walked to his car

as he looked in the mirror

Smiled, I got in

“Nice car”, I said “Thanks, I’m going to get a Jaguar” He replied…

Oh, how I remember the look on his face

I knew it was wrong,

but it felt so right…

It seemed like the perfect night

hearts beating faster

in the summer’s night air

His eyes drew me in 

then he kissed me….

emotions took over, us getting closer and closer

we laughed, had fun..

and then it was getting late, so it had to end

“I have to wake up at 4:00 A.M.” he said

He brought me home

He said, “I Love You”

I looked at him and smiled, and left without saying a word…

I walked away

Never to hear from him again…..

Some People come into our lives, just to teach us how to let go....

He is going to be sorry he lost you, so stop worrying, forget the past, forget the pain and remember what an incredible woman you are.



The Controller


Strong Women Unite

He feels inferior, he feels useless


He needs to control,  to have power over someone’s soul

It gives him strength, to try to bring someone so low

to try to destroy her well being

The mind controller, the manipulator, the abuser

The poor excuse for a man

A strong woman you tried to control? Oh , NO you can’t

Don’t test a woman who has already been down,

she has already been to hell , yet still put back on her crown

You know who you are, and soon everyone will too

for you have taken this too far

and the time will come when you will have to face your own karma

Never try to bring down the phoenix who has risen up from the ashes

for her strength is unstoppable

she will take her anger and use it

to gain back her control

For her crown is still on and she is still whole

You haven’t broken her soul

She takes the stones you tried to throw at her

and will build a wall, so she will have protection and will never fall

The phoenix hope, can wing her way through the desert skies, and still defying fortune’s spite; revive from ashes and rise.



Fabulous Fall Floral

Floral fashion is not only for Spring and Summer. The designers now are coming up with amazing stylish ways to incorporate floral into Fall Fashions.  These designs are now becoming the hottest looks on the runways. Below are my favorite Style picks . You can mix and match to include these great pieces into your  wardrobe to create a Fabulous Fall Floral Look !


 images credit of  MakeMeChic

Find these great floral looks here

Shop more Floral looks that are featured below

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images credit of Neiman Marcus



Style, Make it Your Own ~Christine Ann~



Love Lost, Love Gained

Love lost , love gained, this is the way life goes

what’s important is that you remain the same

unblemished from the pain

remaining the beautiful woman within

not needing recognition from the one that cannot see your crown

but ready to stand strong, stand willing to go beyond what you can’t see

willing to move forward to the place that you are suppose to be

the place that was destined for you ,  walking by faith 

not being held back by what you cannot see

stay strong woman, stand tall

realize that your time  is coming, your time is near

to be the queen ,to sit on your thrown 

being loved by someone who knows you deserve the best and more

next to someone, who appreciates you and all that you are

knowing that you are worth more than gold and the diamonds in all the world

 you will be given the love , that is meant for you

given your dreams to you and all your desires,

will be provided by the one who holds your name in his hand

the one who will never let you fall, he will be given to you

and you will call him your king, you will call him your man

You cannot be healed while you hold on to the pain, you must let it go, so that your heart is free to embrace love again

~ Leon Brown~


Get Complete Fall Looks Here



images credit of LuLu’s








Cool Casual Chic

My idea of Cool Casual Chic is when you can be comfortable but still be very fashionable. These looks below are some of my favorites. They are comfy as sweatpants but more stylish, with the details of snaps and slits on side give and edgy look which I love.

You can pair it with a hat and motorcycle jacket for that Cool Casual Chic look which is perfect for the cooler weather coming.







Images credit of Forever21

Find These looks here

Style , Make it Your Own.. ~Christine Ann


Shop Cool Makeup Looks for Fall



A Healthier You

Start Today on a Journey to a New You, a Healthier You


Small  choices can make a big impact

Eating healthy is a choice you must make. Start by making changes in your daily meals. For example, eat rainbow colors. Adding different colored vegetables and fruit to your meal will supply your body with phytonutrients , to fight off diseases..

However, you might not be getting all the nutrients your body needs on a daily basis. Supplementing is very important to ensure you are supplying yourself with all the disease fighting phytonutrients for optimal health. 



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Find out more here

Go Kimono!

Whether you’re strolling the streets or having fun at the beach , a kimono can be the perfect way to look in style with little effort.  Throw it on over your favorite outfit or use it as a cover up over your bathing suit. Make it a key piece in your wardrobe and you will always look stylish in an instant.  Below are a few of my favorite ways to style with a kimono. 





images credit of LuLus

All Kimono Styles can be found here